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Prospective Publication Submission Guidelines

You should query us before submitting a proposal, completed manuscript, screenplay or teleplay or sample chapters. Your query should tell us a little about yourself and your book. It should also tell us for which audiences your book is intended and the length of the work. If your book is unique, tell us what makes it so. If it fills a void, give us the reason or reasons for your conclusion. If your book can be distinguished from other books on the same subject matter, you should discuss the distinctions. After we have received your query, we will be in touch to let you know if you should send us a proposal. We will reply to your query whether or not you have provided a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). The protocol is to send the agent you are soliciting a SASE. Your queries can be e-mailed to WAKIN@primenet.com as well as sent by fax or regular mail.

Your book proposal to Akin and Randolph should include the following: a cover letter, biographical sketch, synopsis and/or outline of your book, and three sample chapters from the book. The chapters do not have to be in sequential order and should represent your best writing. They should be double-spaced. If you have clips of published work, you may also send several copies if you’d like. If you want your proposal to be returned should we decide we are not the best agent to represent your work, you should enclose sufficient postage for the return of the materials.

Your proposal for a movie, television series or episode should include the following: a cover letter, biographical sketch and resume, and a treatment. You should also submit the completed screenplay or teleplay. We will review your proposal and inform you of our decision to represent your work as quickly as possible. However, we require writers to be patient! We receive a large number of submissions on a daily basis and give every submission careful consideration. We will not be able to return numerous telephone calls inquiring about the status of your submission. Every client contact is logged and queued for a response, whether by phone or mail.

We thank you for your interest in Akin and Randolph Literary Division.

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